What I Loved About the At-Home Gender Test Celebrate your at-home gender test results!.Patiently wait 2-3 business days for your email results.Draw your blood according to directions and mail off your sample in the prepaid SneakPeek envelope.Thoroughly read the instructions so once you are 8 weeks, you are prepped and ready to test-there are some very specific sanitation steps to avoid DNA contamination.Order the kit when you are 6-7 weeks along (or later is fine too).How the SneakPeek Gender Test at Home Works A handful of friends tried it before me and the positive Amazon reviews made it seem like a fun activity to help me pass the first trimester woes. The SneakPeek Early Gender At-Home DNA Test Kit has the potential to find out the sex of your baby with 99.1% accuracy as early as 8 weeks gestation. I mean, a $79 investment (less if you catch the SneakPeek Test on sale) is well worth the chance to find out super early. Although I could have waited, as I did for my other children at a 20 week anatomy scan and a 12 week screening, when I heard that I could take a gender test at home and find out at only 8 weeks, I was thrilled to give it a try. Such sweet victory!īut speed ahead to the baby I am expecting now and we majorly jumped the gun and found out our baby’s gender at 8 weeks. It was truly a wonderful surprise-there was nothing like hearing, “It’s a girl!” after a long, hard labor.

Ten years ago I had my first baby and my husband and I decided to wait until birth to find out our baby’s gender.